
Sunday, September 15, 2019

“Of Mice And Men” by John Steinbeck Essay

In â€Å"Of Mice And Men† by John Steinbeck there are many examples of verbal and physical conflict. There are person vs person and person vs self. The author uses dialogue and figurative description to put his ideas across to readers. Steinbeck starts the book with verbal person vs person conflict between George and Lennie during the orientation of the characters. â€Å"When I think of all the swell times I could have without you, I go nuts.† As this is said, the audience realises George feels that Lennie needs constant attention. There is evidence of person vs self conflict for George when he is going to shoot Lennie as he is worried about killing his friend. The author uses descriptive visual imagery, â€Å"The hand shook violently, but his face set and his hand steadied. He pulled the trigger.† The responders understand George’s personal inner conflict as he doesn’t want to kill Lennie, but knows he must save him from the violence of the lynch mob. Verbal and physical conflict occurs when Lennie accidentally kills Curly’s wife in the barn. She struggles and panics a Lennie grabs her hair, then Lennie accidentally breaks her neck when she won’t be quiet. The responders recognise the uncontrolled strength of Lennie as he tries to silence Curly’s wife who was struggling to get away. Readers understand that Steinbeck has foreshadowed this conflict from the beginning. Steinbeck offers conflict of different kinds in â€Å"Of Mice And Men†. He shows this through descriptive imagery and dialogue to send the message of conflict. The issues and physical, verbal and internal.

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